What an awesome weekend!! It was pretty nice to just get a break from the YWAM base and good ol' community living. Aaron's family is only about an hour away so it's nice to be able to spend time with them. We also took 3 of our classmates with us to enjoy the weekend. We relaxed and spend much time in the hut tub outside (suffering for Christ I'll tell ya...) and ate way too many carne asada tacos! Aaron's friend from college led the service at church and it was an amzing time of worship. You can check him out at rickpino.com.

Anyways here's my little revelation that i got. There is one and only one reason that we worship. It is only because God is worthy and so we give him the praise and the glory. Yes there are many after effects of worship like spiritual warfare and God speaking to you but those are not our reasons they are effects. It's a very simple thought but I love it and it's so true.
Anyways I still feel like my mind is on overload from last week. We had Dean Sherman come speak to us for the week (he is a well known YWAM speaker) and he spoke to us about effective personal ministry. Once I process everything properly I'll jot down some of the points he gave that were just amazing.
Anyways I have more to say but the bed is calling my name (it's been a long day) and I just can't finiskdfjk....Zzzzz
now i can definitely post on this blog! i am so excited that you made the switch, i think you are going to like it! i'm glad to hear everything is going so well! here is a verse that has really kicked me in the butt lately and i am trying to memorize and live (it's from the message):
ReplyDelete"Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle." Romans 12:9-10
p.s. where did the quote come from on your profile? it sounds familiar to me but i can't place it. who knows? maybe i heard it from you!
You know what kelly, I actually found that quote on the ywam la website (ywamla.org) when I was looking into the SOMD. It didn't say who it was by but I loved it! I really like that verse that you mentioned too. love you kels.