I can't believe that we only have one month left here at YWAM! The time has seemed to go by so fast. I am so eager to go home and see my family and my friends before Aaron nand I head off to Chile! My heart just desires to be there. We have been praying so much that God would guide our steps down in South America. I really desire to see Latin America mobilized towards missions. There's an african proverb that says, "if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together." This is why we also desire to rasie up new leaders as we go.
You know what else we've been talking about? Planting churches. but not like church as we know it. We would eat together and invest our time and really come together as a community of people committed to eachother.

We would meet but not even necessisarily on Sunday mornings. You don't even have to dress up. I want to set up churches that are so integrated with "normal life" and not some sperate activity where you have specific clothes and a specific time and specific music and even a specific behavior. (I'm not knocking on the church at all, I'm just saying that if we were to plant churches, this is how they would look)
Also, we would not just come to church to be "filled" after a long, hard week. Just like how you don't turn on a tap to just fill up a hose, God's Spirit doesn't fall on us just so we can say "woah". You can dance in worship and fall on your face for God but the world is still dying and those things will benefit you but not the nations. The Holy Spirit falls for empowerment of ministry. We are to fill up and pour out. This is the church we want to raise up. With constant sending to the nations. This is what makes my heart happy. ahhh....

Last week we watched some of the Nooma videos by Rob Bell. They are just like 8 minute short films that are brilliant!! I haven't seen them all but from what I've seen I like "rain" and "dust" I highly recommend checking them out, amazing. While we are on the topic of recommending things, if you are wanting to go watch a simply good movie go see "inside man" very smart.
Well, that's all my thoughts for now. It's time to relax in the sun before we start another week. Cheers.
hey girl! i love your vision! sounds like God has really spoken to your heart during this school! i love the nooma videos too! i have rain and then one about a bonfire that i can't remember the name of. so good! i love you and i'm praying for you!