On Our Way To Panama

As the summer flys by and Chile gets closer and closer I realize how much we have to hand over to God and the importance of letting go. There is a part of me that likes to plan things and have everything in control. But when God just says "Go" and we have to trust him we really need to die to ourselves and do it. There is a section in the book, "Blue Like Jazz" (yes again it deserves another reference) that talks about dying to self.

It mentions the story of Zacchaeus and how an entire town, with their ridicule and hatred, could not keep the little man from oppressing them through the extravagant financial gains he made as a tax collector. "Christ walked through the town and spotted the man. Christ told Zacchaeus that He would like to have a meal with him. In the single conversation that Jesus had with Zacchaeus, Jesus spoke affirmation and love, and the tax collector sold all his possessions and made ammends to those he had robbed. It was the affection of Jesus, not the brutality of a town that healed Zacchaeus."

Hey lady! Your pictures are always so awesome, you have a knack for it! I've got some pretty exciting news for you that I plan on writing in an email, and no, it's not baby news. We just got back from vacation yesterday and it was very enlightening. I just need to find time to sit down and write tonight, I've got so much to sort through with the business from while I was gone. Have fun in Panama and hopefully you'll be able to check your email while you're away! Look for mine!