I Heart Pichilemu

It is hard to believe that we have already been here for two weeks! Students are starting to arrive for the next DTS (Discipleship Training School) that begins in a few days. It is exciting to have new faces here and meet new people.
Aaron and I really have the desire to work with the DTS ministry. We found out recently that the base is having their first January DTS this year! We had breakfast this morning with the director of the summer DTS (odd to think of January as Summer but that’s how it works here) and he was very happy and encouraged that we were interested in working with the school. They are quite low on staff for this upcoming school because it is first one and he had been praying for people to come with a heart to work with DTS! We are so excited and it's crazy to think that coming here we had no idea what we were doing, we were just trusing God that there was something here for us and this is exactly what was in our hearts to do...

I realize that I mention DTS quite a few times in my updates and so I thought I would explain a little about the school for those who aren’t familiar with it. DTS is a 6 month program which includes a 3 month lecture phase and a 3 month outreach. During the lecture phase students receive teaching on different topics from different guest speakers each week. Topics include, the father heart of God, worship, spiritual warfare, hearing the voice of God, and others. During the outreach portion of the school, students will travel to one or a number of other countries and to serve and evangelize. Schools from this base usually stay within South America but they have also gone to parts of Africa and Europe.

Speaking for myself, my DTS (which Aaron and I both did in Costa Rica in 2004) was one of the most enriching and impacting events of my life. It was a time of personal and spiritual growth. I experienced a lot of inner healing and I learned to be available to God. It was such a powerful time in my life and so that experience fuels my desire to work with that ministry. We want to see a new wave of young people who are passionate and driven by God’s love to reach the nations.
Aaron and I have been praying and we have decided that we would like to commit at least 1-2 years here in Pichilemu working with the YWAM here and staffing the winter and summer DTS.

During the couple of months that we are here until Christmas, we will be serving with YWAM’s local ministries as well as helping on the base with construction and office work. This is also the time for learning more Spanish, and praise God, one of the staff here has offered to give us 2 hour lessons twice a week. What a blessing!
While here in Pichilemu (the surfing capitol of Chile) we have also discovered a love for surfing! We like to go as much as we can after our work and catch some waves. It is so fun! There’s nothing better than being out in the ocean and watching the sunset on your surfboard. I still have yet to see a penguin out there though, a few people have and so I’ve got my eye out for one!

Hey Guys!!!
ReplyDeleteWow its awesome to see your new pics....it totally motivates me to get involved as much as i can in my community! well we are continually praying for you both and the kids can't wait till uncle and aunt sarah come back home...oh sorry about the hang up yesterday on the phone...kaylee accidently hung up....sergio and i wanted to talk to guys...hey while you both are surfing ....you havent seen any sharks? scurd of you all up in the wata.......well continue to let your light shine..love ya
You two inspire me.
ReplyDeleteDoing our Ireland DTS in January is not going to happen, and as much as I would love to go, I am content with what God has planned for us here. Sometimes I feel that this whole med board is just this huge weight and burden that we have been carrying that I just want to break down and cry, not being able to move forward and make plans with our lives. God's patience is infinite and I feel as my own is just running out. But it's in these times that I have to take a step back and just breathe, knowing that when God clears the way with the med board, it will be like standing on top of the tallest mountain and being able to see the path that God has laid out for us. I know there will still be patches that are the unknown, the little forests here and there scattered along the path that are too dense to see into from the top of this mountain. I know in those times we will feel as if we don't know where to go and this will be scary, but those times will probably be the most adventurous ones. I know that God will make all this stress and burdensome time of dealing with the med board worth it. I just pray it's not much further to the top. But oh what a view it will be.
You two inspire me.
Two pictures of work! Ay mammy! It is a miracle! Haha, just kidding, I know you are working hard, and hey you could have your very own surf DTS in Pichelimu! Excited to hear what God is doing!
ReplyDeletei'm jealous
ReplyDeleteA good friend once wrote me this:
ReplyDelete"He that has called us is faithful, and will order our lives accordingly."
It is just as true today, and it is exciteding to follow you two as you seek our Faithful Father with your future!
What an adventure He has for you in Chile! So good to be letting Him organize our lives, eh?! The Blessings are indescrible!
Much Love...
Hi guys,
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you. Just wanted to let you know that your cousins enjoy looking at the pictures. Kurt wants to know when he can learn to surf. Kate thinks she might want to take it up too. I had to inform them that they needed to live a bit closer to the ocean!! lol
I have my fingers crossed that you'll see one of those penquins. Make sure you have your camera handy!
Love, Auntie Doozan
wazzz up homies this is the big papa aka boo aka hercules aka earl jones aka el gallo aka sergio any who just cheking on u guys. look like u guys are on mtv cribs chile style daaaaaang homie living firme homes, any who we realy miss u guys hope every thing is working out the way god had it planned. We have been praying for the both of u and the chile crew. For us its been a little rough but we are gettin through it by gods will, i havent worked for almost 2 weeks but its kool i been spending time with the family and the suegro hitting the ball still trying to break 100 am close but no cookie. well hope to hear from u guys soon love u and by the way the jeep has alreary been baptize mendez style peace out homies foshizzle my nizzle your bother big sergg.
ReplyDeleteHI UAS, HOWS Canada. happy new year .Ilove you with all my heart.XOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXOXXO OH AN OTHER THING I BEAT GUTAR HERO love, lovey aka nacho