12 weeks

Time sure has flown and it's hard to believe that Talia is just around the corner from her 3 month mark. I can't tell you how much we adore her. She is such a happy and mellow little baby, very generous with her coos and smiles and even sleeps through the night! I love everything about her... I love how she gives me the biggest smile in the morning when I peek over her bassinet to say good morning, I love how much she enjoys her nighttime bath in the sink, I love her little pout, I love how she smiles and coos when I sing to her... I could go on, it's a pretty long list ;) Anyways, I know I'm sounding like a mushy mommy but I can't help it! We are crazy about her and it shows. Here are some pictures I took of our little cutie at 12 weeks. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThe fairies must sprinkle "cute" dust on you when you sleep thru the night.
Love Great Auntie Duzan