diy {chalkboard silver platter}

I am slightly obsessed with the whole chalkboard look right now and lately I have been seeing some really cool chalkboard silver trays. I wanted to give it a try so I was pretty excited when I spotted this beauty for $3.50 at a thrift store.
First I taped off the edges with blue painters tape.
 Then I used a foam brush to apply chalkboard paint. (I realized after that I should have sprayed it first with a metal primer but that's ok, it just meant I had to apply a few extra layers and now I know for next time.)
 And this is the finished product! So lovely...
Oh and did I mention the trays are magnetic? A perfect spot for your diy magnets! (tutorial coming soon.)


  1. Adorable!!


  2. So cute!! I made something similar but just as a magnetic board. I need to try this chalkboard paint...I have never heard of it.

  3. fantastic, I am going to make one, already have a silver tray but now I am on the hunt for more

  4. Any suggestions as to where I could get the stand you put the tray on (for CHEAP)?? Thanks!

  5. hi Anon,
    I actually lucked out and found the stand at a thrift store. I'm not too sure what stores carry them, perhaps try Target or Walmart. Good luck!

  6. The dollar store actually has some metal trays in a few different shapes right now that look very similar!

  7. Love this idea and love your site - so inspired now!
    Although I'm a huge fan of chalkboard paint, I have to admit I did cringe a tiny bit to see it go over silver, even though I know it wasn't an heirloom antique :). Thought as an alternative, I might take advantage of the magnetic properties of the tray and use a sheet of magnetic 'paper' cut to size (you know the stuff you can put through the printer to make custom magnets?). This way, I can always remove it and have a lovely silver tray when I want.
    Thanks for the inspiration!!

  8. love this! love your site... just stumbled upon it... made my morning! x ero

  9. I found your site through Pinterest. I absolutely love your projects! Thank you for the inspiration!



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